What keeps you
from peace
right now …


points you towards freedom.

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This may sound radical, but it’s true.
Our greatest challenges, blind spots and obstacles
are actually portals to the Peace and Happiness we seek.
As we step through, we see We ARE that Peace and Happiness,
and so much more …

It doesn’t have to be “inner work” when it’s a Treasure Hunt!

The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek. Joseph Campbell


Hello there! My name is Amara Palmer …

I’m here to support a deeply intelligent process that is already alive within us all — That of awakening out of the dream of separation to the deep Peace and spacious Freedom of Our True Nature.

If you’re reading this (and you are :) this process is likely not only alive in you but profoundly active.  And, you’ve also probably figured out that awakening comes with some unique challenges which can only be truly supported by someone who has been consciously engaged with the same process for decades.  

You are warmly invited to read on …



As more consciousness comes “online”
and you become more aware of your conditioning, reactive contractions and limiting beliefs,
are you getting caught up in trying to
“fix what’s wrong”?

This profound work may be for you if

you are eager to dive deep into your own psyche to welcome into awareness what has been hidden from your conscious view — all that has been driving unhelpful perception and behaviors — and truly integrate, rather than “get rid of,” or fix.

you have had a Spiritual Emergency, Spiritually Transformative Experience or Awakening and are wondering how you’ll navigate and integrate all the changes, inner and outer, that it is bringing.

you have spent years in spiritual seeking and are looking for one-on-one guidance with an intuitive counselor who is established in/as Awareness and can help you cut through your particular obstacles to knowing your True Nature.

you have been engaging with psychedelics and would like to find a gentler, more ‘bite sized’ way to do the same transformative inner work, or want help integrating all the insights you’ve gleaned.

you want to work with a spiritual counselor who has years of practice facing their own shadow and helps others turn towards theirs, with compassion and non-judgment.

you have done talk therapy to death and know there are hidden aspects of yourself to explore, but haven’t been able to reach them.

you have experienced, or are curious about, doing inner work within an altered state – free of the conceptual, critical mind – and sense the tremendous opportunities there.

you have found courage and readiness for inner and outer transformation and know that being supported in this with someone who has been through it is the self-compassionate way to approach it.

To find out more about my offerings, click here. To learn about me, click here or book a free discovery session below.


Amara is a rare and uniquely gifted guide and counselor
who is tuned-in and always seems to know what to ask and when. Through her skillful guidance,
I was taken to a place where my own innate wisdom was allowed to emerge.

The process felt other-worldly, yet at the same time so intimate and familiar.
It was like going home to a place within that I had never left, only forgotten.

The gentle and nurturing way in which she prepares and holds the space is priceless, and supports transformation at the deepest level. It is clear she wants nothing more than to help empower you, whether it is to find the answers you are seeking, the healing you need,
or simply to be with what is and see what unfolds.

It is something I didn’t realize I needed until I actually experienced it.

I also love how she is able to bring together two disparate ways of seeing the world – the nondual and the shamanic. Being immersed in the altered state of the shamanic journey while holding a nondual understanding showed me how, while all is consciousness, this particular experience of individuation is made deeper and richer through exploration and insight. Thank you Amara!

—Jinwha Choi, San Diego, Ca

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light,
but by making the darkness conscious. Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
C. Jung