
Amara guided me through a truly miraculous soul-part-exchange where
she helped me restore a deep sense of inner sovereignty.
I didn’t expect it to have such a profound after-effect
but it left me feeling more empowered and liberted in daily life, which continues.
It is a joy working with Amara.
Her compassionate and wakeful presence makes for a constant background of
freedom and a sense of possibility,
no matter what we talk about.
I fully recommend working with her if you feel ready for a deeper dive.

—Barbara Linde van der Vlugt
Psychologist, founder of Presence Therapy, Voorschoten, The Netherlands

One or more of the modalities shared below may flow into a session at any given time.
They are talked about here to give an impression of what can unfold in a session.
What the client brings into a session is the primary guide in our work,
and what is offered is always in response to that.

Depth Hypnosis

Depth Hypnosis encourages radical self-responsibility and engages clients in a process of self-empowerment through self-knowledge. As clients traverse the realms of their psyches through hypnosis, insight inquiry, regression, dream work, meditation, or the shamanic journey, the Depth Hypnosis Practitioner helps them interpret subconscious material. In this, the client and Practitioner are able to gain a deeper understanding of the obstacles that are creating disharmony in the client’s life. [more]

Trauma and Conditioning Release

Our freedom lies in fully welcoming What Is, even as overly emotional states might arise in resistance. Offering these contractions into the spaciousness of Awareness to unwind, brings an experience of greater freedom as the sense of being a separate, limited self melts away. This natural form of release, once practiced in session, can then be used in daily life as triggers arise. [more]


Parts Work

A powerful tool for self-awareness, the Inner Coming to Peace process, developed by Isa Gucciardi, PhD, uses the altered state to help bring forward the higher wisdom of the client and holds space for those parts within that are at odds with each other, allowing them to be seen and heard. When inner conflict is at play within us, either known or hidden, it creates discord and stagnation. When these parts are given voice and resolution is mediated, there is more flow, personal power and direction in life.

Inquiry & Spiritual Counseling

At times we simply need to be witnessed. Frankly, sometimes all we need is to hear ourselves speak what we already know to be true. Being received with openness, no matter what is shared, can give rise to insights about our situation and position that may not have been available otherwise. Insight inquiry hones in on what's lies underneath the presenting issues and helps draw out inner wisdom. [more]

Psychedelic/STE Integration

Spiritually Transformative Experiences - even when invited through spiritual practices, philosophical contemplation or psychedelics - bring unexpected changes in how we view ourselves, the world and how we choose to live our lives. Especially in the beginning, having a caring listener fully receive and reflect what you have to share, rather than discount it or meet it with misunder-standing can bring tremendous relief. Well-integrated STE’s can be catalysts for immensely positive change. [more]

Nondual Pointing

A one-on-one session sitting in shared Presence with another who is pointing to the Truth of Being, with your individual proclivities in mind, can create profound shifts in understanding. Here lies an opportunity to share a focused line of inquiry directed toward the nature of Self. [more]