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Legal Disclaimer
as Required by the State of California

This Legal Disclaimer allows alternative practitioners to practice legally in the State of California:

According to the California Health Freedom Act (SB577), the following information must be disclosed to you. Please retrieve the full text of SB577 from the Official California State Legislative Information website: http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/ The California Health Freedom Act was signed into law on September 23, 2002. This bill allows full practice of alternative methods by non-licensed individuals, within certain clearly defined parameters. As of January 1, 2003, alternative practitioners are allowed to practice freely in California.

Amara Palmer (Practitioner) is not a medical doctor, a trained psychotherapist or a licensed physician. Persons with psychological or physical illness that require a medical doctor should contact licensed medical practitioners. Practitioner’s spiritual counseling services are alternative or complementary to healing arts services licensed by the State. Practitioner’s spiritual counseling services are not licensed by the State of California. No statement by Practitioner should ever be taken by the client as a recommendation to discontinue the use of legal drugs or controlled substances prescribed by an appropriately licensed practitioner. Any third party information (such as books or articles) provided is entirely educational in nature, and it is up to the client to use his or her own independent judgment in assessing or utilizing such information.

Modalities such as reflective listening, guided meditation and visualization, inquiry, pointing toward True Nature, contemplation, intuitive guidance, integrated energy medicine and Reiki, hypnosis, various shamanic methods, methods for integration of spiritually transformative experiences and somatic releasing as well as other non-invasive practices are used during a Freedom Through Inquiry session. These modalities were garnered over forty years of spiritual seeking and a yearning to be of service. Some of the sources and inspirations of these modalities are: Berkeley Psychic Institute, The Work of Byron Katie, A Course In Miracles, Journey Home, Marsha Sands - Usui Reiki Master Practitioner, Mentalphysics, Mata Amritanandamayi (Amma), Francis Lucille, Laura Lucille, Rupert Spira, Isa Gucciardi at Foundation of the Sacred Stream, inner guidance.