What I do …

As a Depth Hypnosis Practitioner, Sound and Light Facilitator and Spiritual Counselor with a focus in supporting others on their unique path of awakening, I hold the understanding that loving awareness is our greatest healer and that we are all ultimately compelled towards wholeness and happiness, no matter how our inner landscape or outer circumstances may appear.

This natural progression is quickened within us and made more conscious when we meet with another who is deeply attentive and welcoming of What Is, without an agenda to fix, change or control.

It is within this environment, and with compassion,
that I engage in inquiry or sound and light healing with my clients —
encouraging forward their own inherent wisdom
to bring clarity to an issue, or to further their deepening into a direct experience of their true-nature.

I might also guide my client, within an altered state, to the inception of old patterns of limitation, fear and misknowing to reclaim the power and wisdom hidden there. As patterns resolve, a more natural, relaxed state is available and a sense of flow returned.

Why I Do What I Do …

After 35 years of spiritual seeking including 15 years of Kundalini awakening, in 2014, several profound and shattering glimpses of my fundamental nature spurred an intensive transformation, both inner and outer, that would not come to rest for over seven years.

Awakening, it seems, is essentially a process of deconstruction –
a letting go of what is not true and a re-aligning of our lives to What Is.
It is a coming into integrity with life itself.

Once the more intensive period of this re-alignment settled, I knew in my heart that I could be a strong, understanding point of support for others in their own unique process of awakening. Freedom Through Inquiry and my training as a Depth Hypnosis practitioner, Sound and Light Facilitator and Spiritual Counselor sprang from that heart’s calling. I find such joy in my work with others. So often I find myself in awe that this is how I get to spend so much of my time! It’s a sweet life.

How I live …

Since January of 2000, I have lived in the Southern California Mojave Desert near the strikingly beautiful Joshua Tree National Park. In 2012, I moved even deeper into the vast Mojave Wilds, still near the Park, into my hand-built off-grid tiny cabin - Splinter Haven Hermitage. In 2024, I built a beautiful 20’ dome on this very healing land from which to practice.

I endeavor to live simply and feel very fortunate to be so embedded in nature —
a perfect way-shower for effortlessness.

Things that I love …

Spying the wild animals that come to the watering dishes around the property, playing with color by creating spontaneous non-representational paintings, taking long walks in the virgin desert out my front door, nurturing my relationships with friends through long conversations and shared experiences, enjoying yummy takeout and a movie with my daughter, and making trips to visit forests, large bodies of water and family back east in my travel van.

Another of my favorite things
is being with others in recognition of our shared Presence
through my practice of Inquiry, Sound and Light Healing and Depth Hypnosis –
Freedom Through Inquiry.

You are so very welcome here! Thanks for visiting.